Name of the map | Font/Author | Description | Link |
Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: collection 3 | Buchhorn, M. ; Smets, B. ; Bertels, L. ; De Roo, B. ; Lesiv, M. ; Tsendbazar, N. – E. ; Herold, M. ; Fritz, S. Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: collection 3: epoch 2019: Globe 2020. | Land cover maps represent spatial information on different types (classes) of physical coverage of the Earth’s surface, e.g. forests, grasslands, croplands, lakes, wetlands. | Access |
Global Forest Change 2000–2015 | University of Maryland | Results of Landsat image time series analysis in the characterization of global forest extent and change from 2000 to 2015 | Access |
ESRI 10m Annual Land Use Land Cover (2017-2022) | Karra, Kontgis, et al. “Global land use/land cover with Sentinel-2 and deep learning.” IGARSS 2021-2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2021. | Time series of annual global maps of land use and land cover (LULC). It currently has data from 2017-2022. The maps are derived from ESA Sentinel-2 imagery at 10m resolution | Access |
ETH Global Canopy Height 2020 | Lang, N., Jetz, W., Schindler, K. et al. A high-resolution canopy height model of the Earth. Nat Ecol Evol (2023). | Global canopy top height map for the year 2020.The underlying data product, estimated from Sentinel-2 imagery. | Access |
Coverage map of the Republic of Paraguay | FCA/CIF/FFPRI, 2013 | The elaboration of the map was carried out from the analysis and interpretation of Landsat 5 satellite images (TM) (E 1:250.000) | Access |
Land use change in Paraguay | INFONA 2018 | Land use change map between 2016 -2020 and 2020-2022,, obtained by classifying Landsat 8 images | Access |
Atlas of the Atlantic Forest | SOS Mata Atlântica/INPE | Mapping of forest formations and associated ecosystems, reference year 2018/2019 | Access |
Atlas of the Atlantic Forest | SOS Mata Atlântica/INPE | Detailed 1ha mapping for the State of São Paulo | Not Available |
Atlas of the Atlantic Forest | SOS Mata Atlântica/INPE | Detailed 1ha mapping for the State of Rio de Janeiro | Not Available |
Atlas of the Atlantic Forest | SOS Mata Atlântica/INPE | Detailed 1 ha mapping for the State of Paraná | Not Available |
Atlas of the Atlantic Forest | SOS Mata Atlântica/INPE | Detailed 1ha mapping for the State of Santa Catarina | Not Available |
Citrus map in SP | Agrosatélite | Citrus mapping in São Paulo | Not available |
Planted forests map | GFW/WRI | Map of planted forests in Brazil | Access |
Land use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest | FBDS | Land use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Based on RapidEye high-resolution images with 5 m resolution | Access |
Land Use and Land Cover Mapping of the State of Paraná | State Secretariat of Planning and Structural Projects | Mapping carried out using high-resolution satellite orbital images (2 meters) from the period 2011 to 2016 – WorldView2 and Pleiades 1A and 1B. Supervised automatic classification (GEOBIA) | Access |
Mapping of the Forest Inventory of the State of São Paulo | Infrastructure and Environment Secretariat of the State of São Paulo – Forestry Institute | Mapping carried out using orbital satellite images of high spatial resolution (0.5 meters), for the period 2017 to 2019, belonging to the collection of the Infrastructure and Environment Department | Not available |
Biomes Boundary Map 1:250,000 | IBGE | Joint with the methodological report that brings new limits between the six Brazilian biomes, Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado, Pantanal, and Pampa, compatible with the 1:250 000 scale | Access |