Name of the mapFont/AuthorDescriptionLink
Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: collection 3Buchhorn, M. ; Smets, B. ; Bertels, L. ; De Roo, B. ; Lesiv, M. ; Tsendbazar, N. – E. ; Herold, M. ; Fritz, S. Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: collection 3: epoch 2019: Globe 2020.Land cover maps represent spatial information on different types (classes) of physical coverage of the Earth’s surface, e.g. forests, grasslands, croplands, lakes, wetlands.Access
Global Forest Change 2000–2015University of MarylandResults of Landsat image time series analysis in the characterization of global forest extent and change from 2000 to 2015Access
ESRI 10m Annual Land Use Land Cover (2017-2022)Karra, Kontgis, et al. “Global land use/land cover with Sentinel-2 and deep learning.” IGARSS 2021-2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2021.Time series of annual global maps of land use and land cover (LULC). It currently has data from 2017-2022. The maps are derived from ESA Sentinel-2 imagery at 10m resolutionAccess
ETH Global Canopy Height 2020Lang, N., Jetz, W., Schindler, K. et al. A high-resolution canopy height model of the Earth. Nat Ecol Evol (2023). canopy top height map for the year 2020.The underlying data product, estimated from Sentinel-2 imagery.Access
Coverage map of the Republic of ParaguayFCA/CIF/FFPRI, 2013The elaboration of the map was carried out from the analysis and interpretation of Landsat 5 satellite images (TM) (E 1:250.000)Access
Land use change in ParaguayINFONA 2018Land use change map between 2016 -2020 and 2020-2022,, obtained by classifying Landsat 8 imagesAccess
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEMapping of forest formations and associated ecosystems, reference year 2018/2019Access
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1ha mapping for the State of São PauloNot
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1ha mapping for the State of Rio de JaneiroNot
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1 ha mapping for the State of ParanáNot
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1ha mapping for the State of Santa CatarinaNot
Citrus map in SPAgrosatéliteCitrus mapping in São PauloNot
Planted forests mapGFW/WRIMap of planted forests in BrazilAccess
Land use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic ForestFBDSLand use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Based on RapidEye high-resolution images with 5 m resolutionAccess
Land Use and Land Cover Mapping of the State of ParanáState Secretariat of Planning and Structural ProjectsMapping carried out using high-resolution satellite orbital images (2 meters) from the period 2011 to 2016 – WorldView2 and Pleiades 1A and 1B. Supervised automatic classification (GEOBIA)Access
Mapping of the Forest Inventory of the State of São PauloInfrastructure and Environment Secretariat of the State of São Paulo – Forestry InstituteMapping carried out using orbital satellite images of high spatial resolution (0.5 meters), for the period 2017 to 2019, belonging to the collection of the Infrastructure and Environment DepartmentNot available
Biomes Boundary Map 1:250,000IBGEJoint with the methodological report that brings new limits between the six Brazilian biomes, Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado, Pantanal, and Pampa, compatible with the 1:250 000 scaleAccess